Have you ever had "one of those weeks?" The kind where things came at you from all directions and you wondered what God was trying to tell you? That's the kind of week I've had.
Most likely the biggest problem has been that I've felt terrible. Spring is an absolutely gorgeous time of year with all the colors emerging and plants coming back to life. BUT that pollen! My goodness, I am allergic to everything outside during these weeks. I have coughed so much that my ribs are sore. My throat is inflamed, and I have looked like the walking dead.
Yesterday I was tested for Covid, flu, and strep -- all of which came back negative. Now I'm waiting on another test to determine what kind (if any) of antibiotic I should be on. In the meantime, the steroid shot kept me awake for much of the night. :( I had to question myself about whether the extreme stress I had put myself under meeting writing deadlines recently had been a contributing factor.
In a completely different kind of testing, I sat through two meetings this week where it was crystal clear that I had said yes to some positions for which I am woefully inadequate. Let's just say that I am not a good salesperson, and when it comes to anything regarding computer technology that goes beyond blogging, writing, social media, or internet research, I am totally inept. Another frowny face. :( A lifelong habit I've had of overloading myself and saying yes when someone else could do the job better had reared its head once again.

Then, do you remember my EXTREME GRATITUDE post from last Friday? Even that got tested. A few nights ago, Steve was not going to be home for supper, and I wasn't very hungry, so I went through the McDonald's menu and ordered pretty much the cheapest thing on the menu. I think my order came to $3.57. When I got to the window, the lady said, "Your meal has already been paid for. Have a blessed day." Wow! Someone had been unexpectedly generous to me, and I had no idea who they were. I already had my card out ready to pay, so I said, "Well, let me pay for the person behind me." That order came to $32.78!!!! Almost 9 times more than my order would have been!! Now THAT, my friends, was a test. I went ahead and paid for the order and could see in my rearview mirror that the person I had blessed was apparently paying for the order in the next car. One spontaneous act of generosity had led to at least two more. Of course, that had me asking myself if I still believed what I had written last week about generosity. ???
There have been a couple of good things in my week. I had a very enjoyable lunch with my brother and sister. We love each other dearly and care about each other's lives, but we rarely get to spend several hours in each other's physical presence. It was nice.
In addition, my cardiologist was extremely pleased with my bloodwork and blood pressure yesterday, so I don't have to go back to him for a year. Hallelujah!
So anyway, the week has been a "mixed bag." Can you relate?
I get the distinct feeling that God is trying to mold me into the version of my almost 73-year-old self that He can use most effectively, and I believe that will involve some pruning away of unnecessary activities so I can focus on what is best at this stage of my life. Will you pray that I will "have ears to hear" and a heart that is willing to obey?
Jesus used that phrase often when He was teaching -- "He who has ears to hear, let him hear."
And Romans 12:2 says, "Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect."
Dear Lord, please help me to listen to what you are saying, to see what you are showing me. Help me use godly wisdom in questioning the ways I am spending my days until I discern Your good, acceptable, and perfect will for my life.